
Ditch the dinnertime drama, plan meals with us!

Take the Bite Out of Meal Planning: Introducing BitePlans mockups

Plan healthy, happy meals from your phone, tablet, or desktop. BitePlans syncs seamlessly across all devices, so whether you're brainstorming on the couch or adding ingredients to your grocery list in the store, your meal plan is always at your fingertips. No more scrambling for recipes or forgetting key ingredients - BitePlans keeps you organized and stress-free, no matter where you are.

BitePlans is currently in beta (early access), which means we're actively developing and testing new features. It might have some bugs, your feedback will help us to improve! BitePlans is free to use.

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Meal Calendar

Ditch the weekly grind and plan meals ahead, ensuring variety and saving you precious time.

Take a Photo

Visual learners will love our meal planning feature that allows you to add a photo of each dish, making it easy for kids to select what they want to eat.

Family Collaboration

Get everyone involved! Invite family members to contribute ideas, vote on options, and build excitement for upcoming meals.

Recipe Hoarders Rejoice

Save and reuse your favorite recipes, or link directly to online sources for endless inspiration.

Visual Appeal

Capture stunning meal photos to tempt even the pickiest eaters, and let kids "wish" on their favorites for future planning.

History at Your Fingertips

See exactly when you last enjoyed a dish, preventing menu fatigue and ensuring balanced, varied meals.

Kid-Friendly Wishlist

Let your children add their dream meals to a wishlist, encouraging participation and reducing mealtime battles.

Track Your Eating Journey

Maintain a comprehensive log of every meal you enjoy, gaining valuable insights into your family's food habits.